
Brandon –

Victim Location 92709

Type of a scam Advance Fee Loan

Wirecashfast.com robo-calls from spoofed (fake) phone numbers on a daily to weekly basis selling payday loans. There is no way to be removed from their list and I’ve been on the donotcall.gov list for years. Their website reveals no contact information nor phone number so it is impossible to stop these harassing robot calls from the company. I have never requested information nor applied for any such loan and never done business with any such company.

Anne –

Victim Location 95691

Type of a scam Phishing

Type: Spam and probable phishing scam.

Caller ID read: Floresville TX

Caller ID number: 1-830-542-6194

Call time: 7:32 AM

I received a telephone call, but I did not answer. Surprisingly, it left a prerecorded message with no human interaction. This is the complete message:

"Hello and congratulations! You have recently applied for a payday loan, and you have been pre-approved for our highest gold level. This entitles you to receive up to $1,500. All funds are deposited into your account within one hour. To receive your funds, simply visit www WireCashFast dot com and type in your VIP promo code of xxxx. Once again, visit www WireCashFast dot com and type in your VIP promo code of xxxx This offer will expire in 24-hours. Congratulations again!" I saved the message in case anyone wants to listen to it.

Naturally, I did NOT do as the message instructed, nor have I ever applied for a payday loan. In a secure and private browser window with maximum virus protection enabled, visited the site to see about any policies, remove my name, etc. The site looks professional (though the HTML source code shows it is just a template) and even carries a fake "McAfee SECURE" identity badge (it’s not real, because it does not link back to McAfee’s website to verify it). The connection is non-SSL (any legitimate site would be secured), despite a claim that it is a "256 bit Secured Application" (whatever that supposedly means). It asks for the desired loan amount, first and last names, main phone, e-mail, zip code, and date of birth. It also asks for an optional Pre-Approval Code.

In short, if someone actually fell for this scam, they would have given these phishing scammers everything except their SSN/Tax ID, mother’s or pet’s name, and the password they probably use on every other site (those details probably were on page 2)

The domain is registered anonymously by enom.com, and the site is hosted by RackSpace. I am contacting RackSpace’s Acceptable Use Policy abuse department to alert them, too. I hope that they will shut down the site to shut off this incarnation of the scam.

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