Wye Road Investors

Jerome –

Victim Location 93105

Type of a scam Rental

Was looking online at rentals then saw a sweet deal.  Checked it out and went to the website and looked at some of the properties. I saw the one I was interested in 4864 Payton road, listed as a 1Bdrm apt. I then wanted to call them or go into the office before I turned in my application with sensitive info like my Social Security. There is no address listed and no phone number listed and I cant find anything about them online anywhere. There is only a fax number which seems suspicious, so people can only send in their info with never talking or meeting anyone. I have tried using their messaging contact they have set up but never get any response. I then looked up the address I was interested in and surprisingly found that it was listed as a open 3bdrm house on zillow and other housing sales website.

I did not submit any application due to this but would like someone to investigate incase they are scamming other people since I cant find their address online, any contact info, nothing listed in yelp or ScamPulse.com and have never heard of the company in my 6 years of living in the area.

Seems like a scam for identity theft.

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