
Ronald –

Victim Location 78233

Type of a scam Employment

Keli Corey misrepresented a company called Medtronic of which I was with for five years but was laid off so when Keli first reached out on 12/17th I truly thought my old employmer was interested in rehire due to her original email stated she saw my resume on zip recruiter. She later on 12/19th requested me to add her to gmail/hangouts address of which she conducted the same pre training task questions that some others that had reported the scam had the same questions and interview code M16A05. Then i researched the medtronic official website and there was no keli Corey found or the job position and the ceo name used is no longer with the company. Medtronic is a great medical device company of many offices one here in San Antonio TX so for this fake person to utilize their name and logos is unethical especially lying about potential employment opportunities

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