
Marissa –

Victim Location 33967

Type of a scam Phishing

This random unknown company has called my wife’s job more than once asking the receptionist my wife’s work hours. How much does my wife earn. They also demanded for my wife SSI number. I do not care if this is a collection agency or what type of business this is, if it is even a real one. but making attemts to trick employers in to giving up.sensitive information about a person without explaining who they are, where they are and the nature of needing such information .THIS IS AN ATTEMPTED SCAM! nobody is permitted such information without written consent from the individual themselves. Regardless if this google number is attached to an actual company or not, that is an illegal act,,, PERIOD! This person is using an unknown , unlisted number to contact businesses and strong arm/intimidate employees and employers to hand out sensitive information. Suppose someone falls for this and a person ends up murdered in their home? Bank accounts hacked??? This is illegal and needs to be handled either by IL or I will deal with it in Florida. They have specific laws to protect the elderly here. The act is dangerous because they prey on people that do not know any better hoping to score the information they are looking for while keeping their identity completely hidden. This is an attempted scam and a dangerous one, no matter who it is. If someone ends up robbed, hacked, murdered, who would be held accountable? If the business or scammer is not reviling their identity and the supposed company they represent. THIS IS A DANGEROUS SCAM. THEY ARE SCAMMING THE IGNORANT INTO PROVIDING SENSITIVE INFORMATION. THE FACT IT IS ILLEGAL TO GIVE OUT SUCH INFORMATION, IF SOMEONE HAPPENS TO NOT KNOW ANY BETTER,,, THEY WAS SCAMMED!

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