Venmo imposter

Frank – Aug 20, 2020

Victim Location 75203

Type of a scam Phishing

+1 (830) 522-1834 I got a text from the scammers a few minutes ago. Sounded fishy…..and it is! Please do not click on the link. They send me a link : h t t p : / / / jgVmKlfhKZ

I did not click on it.

How did they get my number?!

Melody – Aug 12, 2020

Victim Location 75025

Type of a scam Phishing

This phone number called me saying that they were with Venmo, and were calling to dispute a charge they got for $100 out of my account. They said this looked out of pocket as the state I am from is not the one where the charge came from. They then said they would be sending a text code to my phone and I simply needed to repeat the number back to them. Then the conversation got even more weird as I did not receive the texts, and the man said he would use my email to contact me with a code. I received no email from them, but instead got a text with a link to change my password. The man then instructed me to change my password to "Venmo####" with the # being the last four digits of my phone number. Thinking this was suspicious I hung up, but I wanted to warn as this can happen to anyone!

Ricky – Jul 22, 2020

Victim Location 97003

Type of a scam Nigerian/Foreign Money Exchange

They called to say that someone was trying to get into my account and move money around to foreign accounts. They sent me a code to read to them similar to this situation:…

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