Christina – Jul 09, 2020

Victim Location 94578

Total money lost $19

Type of a scam Phishing

This website took my personal info from one page to withdrawing funds from my bank account. I foolishly entered my personal info. I immediately hit the return button, however after a long while I was brought to another page, and thought I clicked in time.

Although I clicked on a CONTINUE button, I was too late with my "return" button clicks. Next thing I knew, funds had been withdrawn from my account. However, to my great consternation, another withdrawl had been made. The, uh, SUPPORT team at VEHICLE.INFO informed me that I might have been on an advertiser website that they were not responsible for. That was the signal that this was no ordinary scam. Where could these crooks take this?

My bank immediately killed the account and refunded my funds. But this scam is still out there. Be wary. The website "SUPPORT" claims ******  is behind the fraud. The spokesperson hopes I can understand.

Its not worthy of anything. There is nothing I can say positively about these crooks. and any of its satellite sites (anything beginning with Vincheck) are a scam. How do these scammers call themselves a FREE enterprise?

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