Bridget –

Victim Location 37086

Type of a scam Online Purchase

The website claims that they are an online platform that connects Amazon sellers with shoppers people who love to get the hottest new products at a great discount while supporting small businesses. They have instant deals and they also have deals that you can request and wait for approval. I tried to order some products with the codes they give me when approved. Some work and some don’t work. You click the link and it takes you over to You put the code they give you in and sometimes it says its invalid. When you try and contact there help link does not work. They have no phone number to be reached at and they do not respond to any request when asking them for a code that works. The code i was using to purchase my protect is invalid. I have tried emailing them several times. No answer. I started reading online reviews on this site and some think it is a scam. Can you all please check this out to make sure its safe for others. said they are not aware of such a site.

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