Microsoft Tech Support BubbleTech

Taylor –

Victim Location 37932

Total money lost $300

Type of a scam Tech Support

Window popped up on my computer saying my system was infected and at risk, and was frozen. It said to call the Microsoft Tech number shown for help. I did, and was on the phone with them and their software tech company "BubbleTech". They had me extremely scared that all my info was hacked into. I used a credit card and paid them $300.00 for their malware and tech support. I allowed them to remote into my computer. They called themselves Microsoft Support. I agreed to pay. I became suspicious the following day, contacted Microsoft through their website, they told me it had been a scam. I took my laptop to be checked, and had hard drive changed. I contacted cc company, cancelled my card, and disputed the charges. I have since received threatening voicemails and emails from Microsoft/BubbleTech, advising me that unless I call and have the dispute removed, and give them a confirmation number, they will bring me up on legal charges.

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