national health care advocates llc

Barry –

Victim Location 30043

Type of a scam Healthcare/Medicaid/Medicare

1 – Purchased new phone, received new number April 2017.

2 – Reci\eived MANY sales calls for the first 2-3 months. Answered each. Requested number removal. Most granted. Previous phone number holder was obviously elderly and most services didn’t apply. I am 38 years old and in good physical health. Most were happy to remove my number.

3 – Continued receiving calls from medical/Medicaid company. On several occasions, the solicitor called me by an assumed name that was not me. Often seemed not to believe I was not elderly husband of intended call target. Calls continued, waxing and waning in regularity, mostly during east coast business hours. Numbers fluctuated. Began personally blocking numbers. Each block would buy me a week or so of peace.

4 – Began answering calls again. Requested business name. Did an internet search and was frustrated by company website: [email protected], as it had no listed physical address, a dysfunctional number to call, and a Gmail address for company business instead of a dedicated company email. Left complaint on the contact form. Indicated problem with multi-month, going-on-2-years sales calls for someone else coming to my phone and stated clearly and boldly: "Cease and desist all contact with this number for any and all purposes henceforth and forevermore" as is my style with the caveat "please return company physical address by way of SMS to the above number." Requested company address.

5 – Received a phone call (in direct violation of the cease and decist.. from above) from self-declared ‘General Manager of the\at office’ by the name of "Kyle Gardner." The number did not display on my phone as "Kyle Gardner" had blocked it. This seemed suspect. Was told I was mistaken. Was told company call logs indicated that they had never contacted my number before that day, even though they received the sign-up for that number over 2 years prior. This seemed suspect. After me arguing that I had returned both numbers I had received for medical services that day and both had come back to his company indicated that this was not true, "Kyle Gardner" became increasingly upset, letting slip occasional vulgarities such as "Listen, XXX…." and "…don’t be a little XXX…" This seemed suspect. When I informed "Kyle Gardner" that I had specifically ordered his company to cease and desists for any and all purposes and send me a text of the physical address, he became enraged and, after a few more choice vulgarities, hung up on me. I was in my office in close proximity to my boss and was NOT using vulgarity, nor could I, as much as I wanted to. Further research makes the whole company seem suspect and I would greatly appreciate the looking into this.

6 – I called both of the 2 numbers back after work to get direct information. One I was blocked from, and the other, a person answered claiming to bee a 17 year old kid who kept getting people calling for some medical company. This seemed suspect.

**"About Person Scammed" filled in wth intended Target info as much as I know.

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