Ocean Shipping Lines

Christy –

Victim Location 38120

Type of a scam Employment

I applied for management positions online – the ususal: jobs galore, Indeed, and some others.

I received a possible job offer by email that stated they saw my resume and were int erested in hiring me. It sounded "too good" but I replied anyway.

This company, Ocean Shipping Lines is Based out of Zurich Switzerland. Has supposedly multiple locations in Europe,China & Hong Kong. they are expanding to USA & Canada and are looking for project managers. A 4 week training, which you do studies at home and at the end of the 4 weeks receive $2400.00 Each day study material is emailed and at the end of each week there is a test. During the training period you can earn up to $2000. more if you score well on your test, you may be offered the project. At the end of 4 weeks you are promised a week of training in NYC all expenses paid. After the final week of training you will be offered a position witht the company as a project maange that pays $85K per year. As to date the references I provided have not been contacted and it is the end of the 3rd week.

I was going along because everything I checked out "seemed" legitimate & I was going along an studying and making the "higest scores on the test" but then the special project was offered to me & here it is:

They give me a PO and make me an authorized user of an account and they giive me the routing number and account number,to which I am an authorized holder, but I have to use my personal credit card with at least $1,000 of outstanding balance to make the purchases. I call and transfer the money and then purchase some Iphone X’s (6 of them) and ship them by UPS to Hong Kong. The amount they want me to deposit into my credit card account to purchase is $5800.00 (+ an additional $400.00, shich is my payment for doing th "project")

Please check this out and let me know ASAP

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